OnyxTec IT Solutions


It is a system that is designed for online grocery shopping from multiple stores to facilitate everyone for all of their grocery needs and deliver their groceries at their doorstep whenever they need. The users can shop even without registering. All they need to do is to add items to their cart and access them anywhere.

    • Website Details
    • Availability: USA
    • Website Type: Ecommerce
    • Platform: Mobile
  • Mobile Development
  • IOSAndroid
  • Firebase

Key Features


Personalization is the main feature of this system. After signing up on EverCart the users are required to answer the questions like their food preferences, their trusted marts to order from and how frequently they order groceries.

Capture user’s habit

The principles of artificial Intelligence are also used in this system that makes it able to capture users’ habits onwards from their very first order and it will remember their preferences. Hence, it will pre-populate your grocery cart. A great facility for all the ones who don’t want to make a list of groceries every time they need to go shopping.

Tracking expenditures

Tracking expenditures is also an amazing feature of EverCart. It manages users’ expenses by keeping a tab on grocery bills to keep them informed about the pricing of the shopped items and enables them to avoid overspending.


Scheduling is another great feature of this system. The users can place their order, schedule their deliveries and receive them at their doorstep on their scheduled day and time.

Driver App

The driver app is also created to ensure the timely delivery of each order. The driver app is very simple to use. The user can download the app, register himself as a driver and start working. The driver can deliver as many orders as he wants and get perks by delivering the orders on-time.

Evercart : Build your own personalized gorcery order

It is a system that is designed for online grocery shopping from multiple stores to facilitate everyone for all of their grocery needs and deliver their groceries at their doorstep whenever they need. The users can shop even without registering. All they need to do is to add items to their cart and access them anywhere.

  • ClientEvercart
  • CategoryDesign, Mobile