OnyxTec IT Solutions

Care Quorum

CareQuorum is a web application to connect students and professionals together on a single platform where students can ask questions, get information by contacting the professionals directly and by posting in different groups which are related to mental health, psychology and medical science etc.

    • Website Details
    • Availability: USA
    • Website Type: Social Networking
    • Platform: Web

  • Technology Stacks
  • Vuejs
  • Laravel
  • MySQL

Key Features

User App

Admin Panel


Users can create a post, also with a feature of anonymous post. A post can be liked and it has comments.

Report User & Post

Users can report another user with a list of reasons and can also report another user’s post.


Users can connect with each other by sending friend request, also they can unfriend them.


Users can create PUBLIC and PRIVATE groups, also they can join other groups and can post there. Groups have moderators that can approve the anonymous posts and pending member requests for private group.

Care quorum

Care Quorum : Build An Online Community With CareQuorum

CareQuorum is a web application to connect students and professionals together on a single platform where students can ask questions, get information by contacting the professionals directly and by posting in different groups which are related to mental health, psychology and medical science etc.

  • ClientCare Quorum
  • CategoryDesign, Web & Admin panels