OnyxTec IT Solutions

Fast Lanes

It is an employee review system for stores to review and rate their employees, using review forms to evaluate and track the performance of their employees. This system helps the authorities to take necessary steps by evaluating the performance of their employees from time to time and keeping a record of it. This allows them to maintain a balance in their services. By using this platform, anyone can create a store and review employees by adding customized questions in review forms and retaining results in a review cycle. The results of the reviews appear in the form of tables & graphs for better reporting and understanding. Moreover, the super admin can view ratings per cycle and category in each store.

    • Website Details
    • Availability: USA
    • Website Type: Business
    • Platform: Mobile, Web
Technology Stacks
  • Mobile Development
  • React Native
  • MySQL
  • Website Development
  • HTML&CSSLaravel
  • BootstrapMySQL

Key Features

User App

Admin Panel

Category and Cycle ratings

See Category ratings and Cycle ratings via charts of each store and department

Ratings and Sales record

View Category and Cycle ratings via charts of each store and department, and can also view total sales and services hours of each store

Review cycles and messaging

Publish, view and download manager ratings of employees in each store and department with respect to review cycles. Send messages to all stores, departments and their employees.

Fast Lane Mobile

Fast Lanes : Employee Review System

It is an employee review system for stores to review and rate their employees, using review forms to evaluate and track the performance of their employees. This system helps the authorities to take necessary steps by evaluating the performance of their employees from time to time and keeping a record of it. This allows them to maintain a balance in their services. By using this platform, anyone can create a store and review employees by adding customized questions in review forms and retaining results in a review cycle. The results of the reviews appear in the form of tables & graphs for better reporting and understanding. Moreover, the super admin can view ratings per cycle and category in each store.

  • ClientFast Lanes
  • CategoryDesign, Mobile, Web & Admin panels